We are not just fabric suppliers. We are much more than that.

We are trend-analysts, passionate experts and meticulous researchers. Driven by the innovative instinct that identifies The Cangioli Touch.



A tailor-made approach.

We are in synergy with each peculiarity. We emphasise the distinctive features. That is why customisation is crucial in our work.


A creative department dedicated exclusively to researching and studying international trends in order to create innovative and on-trend collections.


Custom Consulting

The Cangioli team is at the complete disposal of our customers to enhance their ideas by developing tailor-made fabrics and collections.

Custom Consulting


Each Cangioli Color Card is a true concept work.It is an inspired message, designed to become an inspirational journey.





A dynamic approach.

We never stay stationary. We are dynamic and chameleonic by nature. We have developed a continuous process optimization system in order to achieve flexibility, agility and production speed.


Over the years we have become skilled at evolving in the market according to demand’s changes. We can produce fabrics that meet the Total look’s needs.


Know how

A deep technical background allows us to innovate and experiment continuously. Always with absolute confidence.

Know how

Engineered Creativity

As industrial craftsmen, we manipulate production processes with scientific meticulousness in order to achieve results that can live up to our imagination.

Engineered Creativity

It is not just a
Color Card.

We enclose a real world inside this object. Each Cangioli Color Card is based on a concept and aims to serve as a source of inspiration for the perceiver.

Color Card


Color Card SS 26

Unfolding is inspired by the meticulous art of origami, where every step is essential and each fold is a deliberate choice that contributes to the final creation.

Color Card

Looking for:

Color Card FW 25.26

“Looking for:” is an open invitation to change perspectives, an encouragement to look beyond appearances and discover a world of wonders hidden behind gazing eyes.

Color Card

The Glitch

Color Card SS 25

Literally means “random error”. In some forms of digital art and design is interpreted as a deliberate imperfection, intentionally used to create a specific aesthetic effect.

Color Card

Matter of Light

Color Card FW 24.25

Light is a powerful force. It enables us to perceive the world in all its nuances.

Color Card

The Unexpected

Color Card SS 24

Something unexpected is surprising.
Either because you didn’t expect it at all, or you expected it to happen in a different way.

Color Card


Color Card FW 23/24

The new Color Card which tells the story about Cangioliland, a world where you can create anything you want, starting from the finest textile fiber…

Color Card

Mattia’s Exercise Book

Color Card SS23

Learning is sometimes a tricky process. It challenges us because it requires full openness. Of eyes, ears, heart and mind. Just like in childhood.